TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

Our next course starts 24th February 2025

Enrolments now open!

What’s been happening with the TAE Certificate IV?

  • In the new TAE40122 there are 12 units (not 10 as in the TAE40116)
  • TAE40116 is equivalent to TAE40122, but many individual units are not equivalent.
  • Therefore most TAE40116 units cannot be credit transferred to TAE40122, however TAE40116 is still compliant
  • TAE40110 qualification holders can only credit transfer and upgrade to TAE40116 until December 2024
  • You cannot credit transfer from TAE40110 to TAE40122
  • MHRC are no longer offering TAE40116 courses or UoC and we recommend trainers and assessors contact other RTO’s still running this course asap.
  • If you hold TAE40116 you are compliant. We will let you know if and when upgrades are required in the future.

Course Overview for TAE40122 ​

Who is the program for?

The program is for anyone who:

  • aspires to train and assess within the Vocational Education Training (VET) sector and deliver and assess against nationally recognised qualifications, skillsets or units of competency
  • is required as part of their job description or for compliance reasons within their workplace or on a client site.
  • delivers non-accredited training and would like to elevate their skills within a nationally recognised framework for trainers and assessors
  • delivers VET in Schools programs
  • would like to set up their own Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
  • is partnering with an RTO and needs additional skillset to complement this arrangement and further their knowledge of the VET sector and compliance requirements under the Standards for RTOs 2015
  • wishes to set up a nationally accredited program within the VET sector

​Entry Requirements

Those entering this program must be able to demonstrate vocational competency in their proposed teaching and assessing area. Vocational competency is defined as broad industry knowledge and experience, and may include, but is not limited to, holding a relevant unit of competency or qualification.
It is recommended that you have good computer skills, including ability to research on the internet and basic keyboard skills to complete assessment templates. You will also be working in an online environment from time to time.
For those who do not have good computer skills a foundation course is recommended prior to commencement. These courses are available via Murray House Resource Centre and are subject to minimum numbers. Please discuss this with us prior to enrolling in this qualification.

Australian Qualification Framework – learning outcomes criteria

Pre-course entry assessment

Before you attend the program, you will be asked to complete a ‘pre-course entry assessment. This is to provide evidence that you are capable of the level of comprehension and computer skills needed to successfully complete the course. Students who cannot complete this short assessment are advise to enrol in a computer/literacy short course, and then apply again when they are in a stronger position to meet the needs of the complexity of the learning outcomes required according to the Australian Qualification Framework – Level 4 (as above).

Telephone interview

A trainer and assessor will contact you to have a discussion about your learning outcomes, training needs, special requirements and your career aspirations so that you get what you want from your studies. You will be guided to explore options that suit your individual requirements within the program and to ensure that the program is suitable for you.
You will also be asked to provide a resume or job description so that the trainer and assessor can assess your prior knowledge and existing skill set.

This enables our team to assess your suitability for the course and it also gives you the opportunity to ask questions and to inform MHRC if you have any learning requirements or need any assistance.

​​How is the program delivered?

The program is delivered over 15 days of face to face workshops with a highly qualified trainer and assessor who will align the program to your required outcomes. This is delivered face to face in the classroom broken down in to 3 clusters, each cluster running for 5 days consecutively:

CLUSTER 1 – DESIGN (5 days) 24th February 2025

CLUSTER 2 – DELIVERY (5 days) 24th March 2025

CLUSTER 3 – ASSESSMENT (5 days) 28th April 2025

We offer student support on a request basis with a Trainer & Assessor to help guide you through any obstacles you may be facing with the assessments. Students are also encouraged to use any of our available classroom/student spaces to continue to work independently away from work or home in a quiet space if needed. Bookings are available through: [email protected]

​How will you be assessed?

Assessment is competency based and evidence based, so you will be required to demonstrate evidence of your ability to perform the tasks required and the knowledge required to complete the units of competency.

Assessment Methods
​You will be required to complete a series of structured activities that are relevant to the VET sector and reflect current industry practice. The evidence that you produce will be contextualised for your own workplace, or a workplace of your choice.
You will be directly observed by your assessor performing tasks that are required by a trainer and assessor, such as delivering training sessions, assessing learners, participating in validation sessions conducted by the Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
Your knowledge will be assessed by:  

  • Knowledge Questions
  • Structured Activities
  • Observation​

​How long will it take to complete?

The group training sessions and validation sessions will be completed and observed by your assessor during the course of the 15 days. You will be required to complete structured activities to demonstrate your skills which includes the design of assessment plans and assessment tools and assessing individuals against nationally recognised units of competency.
You will commence these activities during the training but will not have sufficient time during this period to complete all the requirements. You will be required to continue with your own study time after the delivery in the face to face workshops and to complete your assessment requirements and knowledge questions over the 12 months of your enrolment period. You will be provided with access to learning resources and are encouraged to continue to collaborate with your group and engage with the learning materials from the workshops.

Depending upon your prior knowledge this may take you between 600 – 2400 hours to complete in full as recommended by the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) for a Certificate IV qualification. Experienced people with good computer skills may achieve competency in a shorter period of time.

Your learning will continue after the workshops by engaging in the learning resources, independent research and study.

The TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment is delivered over 3 clusters in this order – each for 5 days in the classroom.

1 – DESIGN Cluster

TAEDES411 Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs

TAEDES412 Design and develop plans for vocational training

TAELLN421 Integrate core skills support into training and assessment 

TAELLN423 Integrate employability skills support into training and assessment 

2 – DELIVERY Cluster

TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction

TAEDEL411 Facilitate vocational training

TAEDEL412 Facilitate workplace-based learning

TAEDEL414 Mentor in the workplace

BSBCMM411 Make presentations


TAEASS412 Assess competence

TAEASS413 Participate in assessment validation

TAEPDD401 Work effectively in the VET sector 

We strongly suggest that you consider that you can commit to the course:

  • Are your work/personal commitments heavy, and do you have time in between clusters to finish off homework and submit evidence?
  • Are your computer skills strong enough to access course resources and work independently?
  • Are you capable of ‘learning’ at a certificate IV level?


MHRC has a duty of care over all students and their general well being whilst studying. We encourage all students to be open and honest and communicate with us if they require further support in order to reach their goals.

Please note: All students will have 12 months to complete the qualification and are encouraged to use the whole duration if needed for a full understanding of the knowledge and performance skills required. Students may complete earlier depending on their individual experience and skills.

​How much does it cost?


​Payment Terms Option 1: (Industry)
Deposit: $1000 to secure your place on the program – prior to commencement of first cluster
Balance: $3,435 – due prior to commencement of second cluster training delivery

Payment Terms Option 2: (available to assist individuals)
$1500 deposit to be paid to secure your place +

  • $1500 to be paid before the 2nd cluster start date
  • $1500 to be paid before the 3rd cluster start date
  • Total paid = $4,500

Please note students enrolling in this course may be eligible to receive financial assistance through Services Australia when studying full time. Please refer to Services Australia for more information.

​What is included in the program?

The program is divided into three clusters that build on each skill level that will scaffold your learning and provide you with a clear framework for your skills development.


CLUSTER 1 – DESIGN (delivery time: 5 days)
​This cluster will provide you with the background of the VET sector and the standards that guide the sector, training packages and how to design learning programs that meet the requirements of clients, industry and your learners. It will cover the key theories and principles that guide adult learning and how to address language, literacy and numeracy issues.

This cluster is comprised of four units of competency:

TAEDES411 – Use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational training needs (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse and use nationally recognised training products to meet vocational learners’ skill and knowledge development needs.

The unit applies to entry-level VET teachers, trainers and assessors who use a range of products that are nationally recognised or aligned with other recognised frameworks in the course of addressing learners’ training needs.

TAEDES412 – Design and develop plans for vocational training (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to design, develop and document plans for vocational training to be delivered by vocational education and training (VET) teachers and trainers. It involves identifying the objectives and intended outcomes of the training and the characteristics of the target learners, selecting nationally recognised training products, developing the plan for training and individual session plans.
The unit applies to individuals who design training for group learning in face-to-face, online and blended vocational training contexts using nationally recognised products.

TAELLN421 – Integrate core skills support into training and assessment (Release 1)
This unit describes the skills and knowledge needed to identify core skill demands in nationally recognised training products, and in workplace, learning and assessment context tasks and texts. It involves comparing those identified demands with the core skills of learners and candidates in vocational training and assessment and providing integrated core skill support to address the identified gaps. The unit applies to vocational education and training (VET) teachers, trainers and assessors who use a range of technical and training competencies to integrate awareness of core skill requirements into their training and assessment. The core skills are described by current authorised Australian foundation skill frameworks. They include digital literacy, learning, reading, writing, oral communication, and numeracy skills. This unit does not include the skills and knowledge required to provide specialist support or the competencies used by experienced VET teachers, trainers and assessors to lead the development of foundation skills support.

TAELLN423 – Integrate employability skills support into training and assessment (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge needed to identify employability skill demands in nationally recognised training products, and in related workplace, learning and assessment context tasks and texts. It involves comparing those identified demands with the employability skills of vocational learners and candidates and providing integrated employability skill support to address the gaps. The unit applies to vocational education and training (VET) teachers, trainers and assessors who use a range of technical and training competencies to integrate awareness of employability skill requirements into the training and assessment. The employability skills are described by current authorised Australian foundation skill frameworks. They include skills such as initiative and enterprise, planning and organising, problem solving, self-management, and teamwork. This unit does not include the competencies used by experienced VET teachers, trainers and assessors to lead the development of employability skill support.

CLUSTER 2 – DELIVERY (delivery time: 5 days)
​This cluster will provide you with the skills and knowledge to design and deliver group-based learning programs, individual workplace learning programs and to enhance your training and presentation skills.
This cluster is comprised of five units of competency:

TAEDEL311 – Provide work skill instruction (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct individual and small group work skill instruction using existing support materials and demonstration of work skills as a training strategy; and assess the success of training and one’s own training performance. It focuses on the training being driven by the work process and context.

The unit applies to a person working under supervision as a work skill instructor in a wide range of settings not restricted to training organisations.

TAEDEL411 – Facilitate vocational training (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, prepare for and facilitate the vocational training of both individual learners and groups of learners via a face-to-face, in-person delivery mode. It includes customising and using existing session plans and learning resources, using these plans to facilitate training, and reviewing own practice.

The unit applies to entry-level vocational education and training (VET) teachers and trainers who use training and technical skills to deliver training based on a product that is nationally recognised or aligned with other recognised frameworks.

TAEDEL412 – Facilitate workplace-based learning (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare for, plan and facilitate workplace-based learning for learners in the workplace. It includes customising and implementing existing learning plans and resources based on products that are nationally recognised or aligned with other recognised frameworks, and reviewing own practice.

The unit applies to entry-level vocational education and training (VET) teachers and trainers who use facilitation and technical skills to facilitate learning in the workplace based on products that are nationally recognised or aligned with other recognised frameworks.

TAEDEL414 – Mentor in the workplace (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and develop a professional mentoring relationship with an individual in a workplace. It includes the skills and knowledge to plan and prepare for the mentoring, and implement strategies suited to the mentee, the workplace and the mentoring relationship.

The unit applies to workplace supervisors or other work colleagues who work under limited supervision and have responsibility for mentoring individuals in the workplace. This may include, but is not limited to, those who mentor an apprentice or trainee employed by, or undertaking a work placement within, an organisation.

BSBCMM411 – Make presentations (Release 1)

This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to prepare, deliver and review presentations for target audiences.

This unit applies to individuals who may be expected to make presentations for a range of purposes, such as marketing, training and promotions. They contribute well developed communication skills in presenting a range of concepts and ideas.

CLUSTER 3 – ASSESSMENT (delivery time: 5 days)

This cluster will provide you with planning and developing assessment tools, planning assessment activities, assessing the students competency and the key concepts of validation processes.

This cluster is comprised of three units of competency:

TAEASS412 – Assess competence (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, prepare for and conduct the competency-based assessment of candidates using nationally recognised training products and validated assessment tools. It involves planning and preparing for the assessment based on the accessed training and assessment strategy and delivery plan. The unit also involves customising the assessment process; preparing candidates to be assessed; and then implementing assessment processes, including recognition of prior learning. Implementing assessment requires gathering quality evidence, making assessment judgements, and recording and reviewing the assessment process.

The unit applies to entry-level vocational education and training (VET) assessors who assess candidates against nationally recognised training products.

TAEASS413 – Participate in assessment validation (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to participate in the validation of assessment tools, practices and judgements, including in:

  • pre-assessment validation of assessment tools before they are first used with candidates, and post-assessment validation of the tools after having been used to assess candidates
  • post-assessment validation of practices and judgements.

The unit applies to vocational education and training (VET) trainers and assessors with relevant industry experience to participate in validation activities according to organisational policies and procedures. Validation activities encompass the quality review of the assessment tools, practices and judgements. Participants in the validation do not lead the validation process.

TAEPDD401 – Work effectively in the VET sector (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate within the vocational education and training (VET) sector regulatory and operational context relevant to the job role of an entry-level VET teacher, trainer and assessor.

The unit applies to VET teachers, trainers and assessors who use a range of general competencies and knowledge to work effectively within the VET sector and typically within a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

Student Support Day – OPTIONAL
Optional student support days are offered every 2 months to assist participants with learning and to ensure that you are staying on track with your study plan to successfully complete the qualification. This is optional and included free of charge in the program. You will have access to a trainer and assessor throughout the day to ask questions and seek guidance.

Training Resources

You will be provided with:

  • access to learning resources to assist you with this course.
  • templates to complete your assessments available online.
  • access to a trainer and assessor via face to face, email, phone and TEAMS for ongoing support.

You will need to have:

  • a laptop that you can bring to class.
  • access to a laptop/computer and internet at home or work to continue with your studies in your own time.
  • basic computer skills to access information online and to complete assessment templates.

Qualification Pathways:
TAE50122 – Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (Release 1)

​When is the course scheduled?

​Where is training conducted?

The course is held at Murray House Resource Centre in Pinjarra in our dedicated training rooms, equipped with computers and resources required to complete the program. We encourage all learners to bring their own laptop. If you need assistance with a device, please let us know.
We also have the capability to deliver in remote or regional locations in order to meet the needs of our corporate clients.

Course times: 
8.30am – 3.30pm
14 James St, Pinjarra WA 6208
There is ample free parking located next door in free public acrpark.
Morning tea is provided. We have a fridge and microwave for your use if you wish to bring your own lunch, alternatively there are several food outlets across the road located at Pinjarra Junction Shopping Centre.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
RPL is available to anyone who currently works in this area and can provide sufficient workplace evidence that meets the requirements of the unit of competency. If you wish to consider RPL for all or part of your qualification, please call Murray House Resource Centre to discuss this option with a qualified TAE assessor.

Credit Transfers
If you already hold any of the above units, or equivalent units, you will be awarded a Credit Transfer for each unit, which means that you will not have to attend training or complete assessments for these units. You will need to provide evidence of the authenticity of these units or skill sets held. Please refer to Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure for further information or call to discuss with one of our team.

All course enquiries:

Murray House Resource Centre:
P: 08 9531 2298
E: [email protected]