I need to upgrade my TAE40110 Qualification - how do I do this?
To upgrade there is a stepping stone process.
TAE40110 holders need to have their two upgrade units TAEASS502 and TAELLN411 to be compliant. However, there have been a few new releases over the years and you may have other units suffixed with an A or a B.
Depending on the suffix will depend if you need to do further upgrades to reach TAE40116. The easiest way to check this is to send your transcripts to us to be assessed to see if there is any further training you need to do to to reach TAE40116.
At present the TAE40116 is equivalent to TAE40122, however many of the individual units within TAE40116 are not transferable to TAE40122, so if you have half a TAE40116 qualification and want to complete this, you will need to act quick to enrol with an RTO still running the TAE40116 course, to complete by December 2024 (the cut off date).Please note: MHRC only offer upgrade assessments for TAEASS401B to TAEASS401 and TAEASS403B to TAEASS403. Our final intake for this is 30th September 2024 to allow time for completion.
What's new in the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment?
The main differences are:
Old: TAE40116 = 10 units (9 core and 1 elective) which is now superseded, but still compliant.
New: TAE40122 = 12 units (6 core and 6 elective) – Therefore there is now more flexibility to tailor units of competencies to your industry area.and….UoC TAEASS502 is no longer a core unit, which will please many people!
What are adult learning principles?
Adults bring prior experience and knowledge with them. We build on your experience.
Adults want to know what’s in it for them. We tell you where it fits and what the relevance is of your material. You will have real world strategies to implement.
Adults enjoy speaking to one another, not just the Trainer. We will facilitate your learning.
Adults have preferences and prejudices that may not be overcome in a one-shot training. You can take time to study. Instant results are not expected by us so be kind to yourself, especially if the new learning challenges your beliefs.
Adults like to feel like an active part of the learning process. this is your study program so don’t be afraid to speak up and negotiate with us.
Adults expect to be respected and you will be. You will be expected to make a commitment to your study and to respect our commitment to you.
Adults enjoy active learning, but sometimes that is difficult to achieve if you are studying online. Please talk to your coach or email to stay in contact.
Adults expect to be able to use what they learn immediately so we make information applicable to your workplace. We can adapt activities to suit where you work. Just ask.
Adults learn at different speeds and through different methods. Learn about what methods suit you to optimise your success. But be prepared to find study tedious at times. We would like it to be fun, but sometimes it’s just plain hard work.
Adults need feedback and constructive criticism. We will provide this so you learn and your work improves but this is based on building the person not tearing them down. -
Can I be guaranteed a pass?
This will depend entirely on the amount of commitment that you make to the successful completion and to your level of engagement with your learning. Your trainer and the assessor are there to support this process, but you are responsible as an adult learner to complete the required amount of study to enable you to successfully complete your assessment tasks and provide sufficient evidence for your assessment. There are NO guarantees – just support to do your best! If an RTO is guaranteeing you pass, take care!
What are delivery modes and which is best for me?
You can choose to self pace through the learning with coaching one on one with your trainer, in a class or a mixture (blended) of these modes. You can include recognition of prior learning when possible. NO additional fees for this flexibility.
What are adult learning styles?
Individuals learn differently and have their own unique learning style and that learning style may change over time.
Understanding your learning style will help you choose the mode of study that will suit you.
For example, many vocational learners struggle with online courses. You may learn best when you are included in practical learning, such as having a go, rather than just reading instructions and working with peers in the classroom help you to bounce ideas around and see things from a different perspective.We believe that face to face study for many students have greater results through classroom interaction with peers and their trainer. At MHRC our delivery includes a combination of resources to help you achieve your goals.
There are many online surveys to help you determine your learning style if you are not sure.
What is competency based assessment?
This is the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competence has been achieved. This confirms that an individual can perform to the standard expected in the workplace as expressed in the nationally endorsed competency standards on competency standards developed by relevant industry. Source: Guidelines to assessing competence in VET.
What is self-directed learning?
Self-directed learning is a key skill for learners at Certificate IV and Diploma level; taking responsibility for your results and pacing your study to get results. How you choose to learn is up to you. We can ‘mix and match’ study modes to get the best result for you.
As a self-directed learner you must be able to:
. plan your study time and put effort into your work
. take constructive feedback to improve your performance
. be prepared for how you will feel when you step outside your existing knowledge or comfort zone
. negotiate for what you want
. set timelines and goals for yourself.We will offer help and we want you to keep in contact, but we wont harass you for your work. We will treat you as a self-directed adult learner. At Murray House Resource Centre we are passionate about learning. Are you passionate about learning too? Quality students choose quality training.
What are my student assessment evidence responsibilities?
Students are responsible for retaining an accurate copy of all assessment evidence submitted as part of their course participation. Evidence can only be accepted via email or our cloud based drive’s. Students have a responsibility to keep copies of submitted work for themselves. The onus is on the student to maintain their personal technology used to produce their assessment evidence. For example (but not limited to) file corruption, computers crashing or loss of thumb drives. Be aware that workplace email accounts can become inaccessible in the event a student changes employment.
How long have I got to complete the course?
You will be issued a training plan that outlines your start and end dates including training schedule and submission dates for assessment evidence. At your end date of enrolment, where you have not submitted all of your assessments, you will be required to re-enroll. Refunds are not given in this situation – please refer to our policy on refunds.
Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds where student’s work commitments have impacted on attendance and commitment to a enrolled course. Therefore please make sure you can commit to complete the course in the time specified as below. Students are encouraged to explore this aspect of their studies at point of enrolment,Standard enrolment for full Certificate IV courses is 12 months from commencement of access to your learning resources.
Skill sets & upgrades are based on completion in one month per unit – as set out in the training plan.
Is RPL easier than doing the course?
The RPL assessment process is as rigorous as any other assessment. However, the type of evidence that you need to provide may be different from normal class assessments. Importantly though, the RPL process is flexible. You and your MHRC Trainer and Assessor will discuss and determine the evidence you can provide. In many cases, a student may wish to consider “assessment only” instead of RPL. Note that RPL can be just as time consuming as “assessment only” and authentic evidence is standard expectation in all submissions.
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- How do I share my screen on TEAMS?
Why do I need to do a pre-entry assessment task?
The Australian Qualification Framework states the learning criteria required for different levels of qualifications. At MHRC we have a duty of care to all of our students that they are capable of achieving the qualification that they are enrolling in. The pre-entry assessment task, along with an admissions interview allows for MHRC to assess your capability and suitability before commencement of the course. The pre-entry assessment task and interview must take place at least 1 week prior to the course commencement date.
For more information on the AQF learning criteria required, please visit:
What if I cannot compete my studies within the enrolment period?
As soon as you become aware that you are at risk of not completing, you must make contact with MHRC as a matter of urgency. Your trainer and assessor will discuss options with you and to see if your goals are still realistic at this point in time. You can apply for an extension period, and based on your reasons for needing an extension and your commitment to completing within the time frame, your application will be assessed.
Please note that approval is at the discretion of MHRC and if approved the extension attracts a administration and trainer cost of $150 per month for a maximum of 3 months only.