Industry Trainer and Assessor Support Program (ITASP)

Industry Trainer and Assessor Support Program (ITASP)

(Similar to the superseded TAESS00015 Enterprise Trainer and Assessor Skill Set – now with the new UoC from the TAE22 Training Package)

Next course starting w/c: 16th September 2024

Course Overview 

Who is the program for?

This skill set is designed for:

  • trainers and assessors who deliver non accredited training or work with other trainers in delivering nationally recognised training.
  • industry trainers and assessors working in an enterprise registered training organisation (RTO) or in an enterprise that works together with an RTO in an auspicing arrangement.
  • trainers wanting to move on to complete the full TAE40122 with MHRC can credit transfer the units over.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal prerequisite units required to study this program.
​​However, it is recommended you have the opportunity in the workplace to gather your evidence for successful completion and have the support of a training professional who has prior knowledge within the VET sector and preferably holds the current TAE qualification to support your successful completion.

Australian Qualification Framework – The units in this program have learning outcomes up to a AQF Level 4

You will need to have:

  • Access to a computer and internet
  • Basic computer skills to access information online and to complete assessment templates
  • Good reading and comprehension skills

Meeting your learning needs – On enrolment you will be asked to submit your resume or job description, complete a short ‘pre course’ assessment task and undergo a short telephone interview. This enables our team to assess your suitability for the course and it also gives you the opportunity to ask questions and to inform MHRC if you have any learning requirements or need any assistance.

​​How is the program delivered?

The program is delivered over 5 days of face to face workshops with a highly qualified trainer and assessor who will align the program to your required outcomes.
Before you attend the program, you will have a discussion with your trainer about your learning outcomes, training needs, special requirements and your career aspirations so that you get what you want from your studies. You will be guided to explore options that suit your individual requirements within the program.

For group organisation bookings where the program is being delivered at your workplace then the trainer and assessor will liaise with the training representative to discuss your learner group and particular requirements.

Please note that there will be some homework at the end of the face to face training, and students will need to work independently to complete all task. The amount of homework will depend on the individual student’s prior knowledge, computer skill level and ability to learn and process information. This will be discussed in your interview at enrolment.

​How will you be assessed?

Assessment is competency based and evidence based, so you will be required to demonstrate evidence of your ability to perform the tasks required and the knowledge required to complete the units of competency.

Assessment Methods: You will be required to complete structured activities, which are workplace relevant, knowledge questions and be observed directly by your assessor delivering your skills instruction sessions and participating in validation sessions.

  • Knowledge Questions
  • Structured Activities
  • Observation

​How long will it take to complete?

The skills instruction sessions and validation sessions will be completed and observed by your assessor during the course of the 5 days. You will be required to complete structured activities to demonstrate your skills which includes the design of assessment plans and assessment tools and assessing individuals against nationally recognised units of competency.

You will commence these activities during the 5 days but will not have sufficient time during this period to complete all of the requirements. You will be required to complete the remaining evidence and knowledge questions over the next 4 months.

Depending upon your prior knowledge this may take you on average between 70 – 100 hours to complete in full. Experienced people with good computer skills may achieve competency in a shorter period of time.

You will have 4 months to complete the program and be issued with a Statement of Attainment on successful completion.

​How much does it cost?

$1725 per person 

Minimum 6 and maximum 10 people in a class to maximise interaction with the trainer and assessor and learning outcomes.

​What is included in the program?

There are four (4) units of competency.

TAEDEL311 Provide work skill instruction (Release 1)
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct individual and small group work skill instruction using existing support materials and demonstration of work skills as a training strategy; and assess the success of training and one’s own training performance. It focuses on the training being driven by the work process and context.

The unit applies to a person working under supervision as a work skill instructor in a wide range of settings not restricted to training organisations.

Performance Evidence in brief:  

The individual must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:

  • provide at least 3 work skill instruction sessions, with each session being of at least 30 minutes duration and involving:
  • a different work skill for each session
  • delivery of at least 1 session to an individual learner
  • delivery of at least 1 session to a small group of at least 2 learners.

TAEDEL414 – Mentor in the workplace (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish and develop a professional mentoring relationship with an individual in a workplace. It includes the skills and knowledge to plan and prepare for the mentoring, and implement strategies suited to the mentee, the workplace and the mentoring relationship.

The unit applies to workplace supervisors or other work colleagues who work under limited supervision and have responsibility for mentoring individuals in the workplace. This may include, but is not limited to, those who mentor an apprentice or trainee employed by, or undertaking a work placement within, an organisation.

Performance Evidence in brief: 

The individual must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:

  • negotiate and document an agreed mentoring plan with 1 mentee that sets out clear objectives and a timeframe for the mentoring relationship
  • facilitate at least 3 mentoring sessions of at least 30 minutes each with 1 mentee.

TAEASS311 Contribute to Assessment (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to the assessment process by collecting evidence for assessment against nationally recognised units of competency and according to organisational requirements.

The unit applies to a person with technical or vocational expertise who is in a supervisory, mentoring or coaching role in a workplace, and whose role is to assist in collecting assessment evidence rather than being to make an assessment judgement.

TAEASS412 Assess competence (Release 1)

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, prepare for and conduct the competency-based assessment of candidates using nationally recognised training products and validated assessment tools. It involves planning and preparing for the assessment based on the accessed training and assessment strategy and delivery plan. The unit also involves customising the assessment process; preparing candidates to be assessed; and then implementing assessment processes, including recognition of prior learning. Implementing assessment requires gathering quality evidence, making assessment judgements, and recording and reviewing the assessment process.

The unit applies to entry-level vocational education and training (VET) assessors who assess candidates against nationally recognised training products.

Performance Evidence in brief:

The individual must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, including evidence of the ability to:

  • conduct a total of at least 6 assessments, at least 1 of which must use recognition of prior learning (RPL).

The above assessments must be for 3 different candidates against all requirements specified in at least 2 different units of competency from a nationally recognised training package or accredited course. The same 2 units may be used for each candidate.

You must be able to provide adequate resources for each learner in your group. You may discuss ideas with your trainer and assessor on Day 1 when you will learn how to deliver effective skills and instructions for your sessions. This is not a presentation or an information session. It must be skills based, allowing for demonstration and practice of a new skill or refresher of an existing skill.

Training Resources

You will be provided with:

  • Course materials to complete your studies

To access the training resources you will need:

  • To bring your own laptop or a work laptop to class
  • Access to the internet at home or work for homework
  • Basic computer skills to access information online and to complete assessment templates

​When is the course scheduled?

We run this as a public course every 3-4 months as per our course calendar.
If you would like to book a course for your own organisation, dates can be discussed to suit.

For courses running at Murray House Resource Centre, flyers and promotional material can be found on our RTO home page.

​Where is training conducted?

​At Murray House Resource Centre in Pinjarra in our dedicated training rooms or on site at your workplace on request.

​Catering is provided for morning tea; lunch is not provided. You have use of our kitchen if you wish to bring your own lunch equipped with fridge, microwave and sandwich toaster.  Options for lunch are available nearby at local cafes in the adjacent Pinjarra Junction Shopping Centre.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
RPL is available to anyone who currently works in this area and can provide sufficient workplace evidence that meets the requirements of the unit of competency. If you wish to consider RPL for all or part of your qualification, please call Murray House Resource Centre to discuss this option with a qualified TAE assessor.

All course enquiries:

Murray House Resource Centre:
P: 08 9531 2298
E: [email protected]