BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

Face to Face courses

Our next course starts w/c: 11th November 2024

Course Overview ​

​Who is the program for?

The program is for anyone who:

  • aspires to be a supervisor, or work in a safety role
  • manages risk effectively, applies relevant Work Health and Safety (WHS or OHS) laws
  • contributes to WHS within the workplace
  • wish to refresh their skills and knowledge in relation to their current job role.
  • requires formal recognition of existing skills and knowledge as part of their job description or for compliance reasons within their workplace or on a client site.

​Entry Requirements

Those entering this program must be able to demonstrate vocational competency and past work experience. Vocational competency is defined as broad industry knowledge and experience. This course is not suitable for those entering the workforce.

It is recommended that you have good computer skills, including ability to research on the internet and basic keyboard skills to complete assessment template. Literacy level must be enough to be able to write reports and other documents and you will also be working on an online environment.

For those who do not have basic computer skills a foundation course is recommended prior to commencement. These courses are available via Murray House Resource Centre and are subject to minimum numbers. Please discuss this with us prior to enrolling in this qualification.

Access to a workplace: Assessment tasks require workplace application. Please let us know if you are not currently employed so we can suggest alternatives for you.

Australian Qualification Framework – learning outcomes criteria

Pre-course entry assessment

Before you attend the program, you will be asked to complete a ‘pre-course entry assessment. This is to provide evidence that you are capable of the level of comprehension and computer skills needed to successfully complete the course. Students who cannot complete this short assessment are advise to enroll in a computer/literacy short course, and then apply again when they are in a stronger position to meet the needs of the complexity of the learning outcomes required according to the Australian Qualification Framework – Level 4 (as above).

Telephone interview

A trainer and assessor will contact you to have a discussion about your learning outcomes, training needs, special requirements and your career aspirations so that you get what you want from your studies. You will be guided to explore options that suit your individual requirements within the program and to ensure that the program is suitable for you.
You will also be asked to provide a resume so that the trainer and assessor can assess your prior knowledge and existing skill set.

This enables our team to assess your suitability for the course and it also gives you the opportunity to ask questions and to inform MHRC if you have any learning requirements or need any assistance.

It is essential that you provide MHRC with any units that you believe you may have already achieved at enrolment stage so they can be assessed for a CREDIT TRANSFER, and which in turn could bring your course cost down.

​​How is the program delivered?

Students can choose to enroll for a blended/online option over a twelve-month period (self-paced) with a highly qualified trainer and assessor who will align the program to your required outcomes and your workplace context. Phone, email and face to face coaching and workshops are offered so you are supported in your studies.

Before you begin the program, you will have a discussion with your trainer about your learning outcomes, training needs, special requirements and your career aspirations so that you get what you want from your studies. You will be guided to explore options that suit your individual requirements within the program.
You will have a phone interview with the trainer and assessor to ascertain the above requirements and to ensure that the program is suitable for you and what level of support you may require to complete.

You will also be asked to provide a Resume so that the trainer and assessor can see your prior knowledge and existing skill set.

​How will you be assessed?

Assessment is competency based and evidence based, so you will be required to demonstrate evidence of your ability to perform the tasks required and the knowledge required to complete the units of competency and to apply these in the workplace.

Assessment Methods
​You will be required to complete a major project, which will be a series of structured activities that are relevant to current industry practice. The evidence that you produce will be contextualised for your own workplace, or a workplace of your choice.
You will be directly observed by an appropriate person performing tasks in the workplace. Using your workplace to base your projects on adds value to your employer and supplies a practical context for your study.
Your knowledge will be assessed by:  

  • Knowledge Questions
  • Structured Activities
  • Observation

​How long will it take to complete?

Your course enrolment is for a period of 12 months.

Depending upon your prior knowledge this qualification may take you 470 hours to complete in full. Experienced people with good computer skills may achieve competency in a shorter period. Students who are experienced in a work, health and safety role would be expected to complete the course much quicker than a student with less experience.

We recommend that students keep the momentum going after attending the 5 days in the classroom, and that they complete the knowledge-based questions asap whilst their learning experience is still fresh in their minds. Students can then provide evidence of the practical observations and activity tasks over the duration of the course enrolment.

Your learning experience requires you to engage in the learning resources and undertake independent research and study.

​How much does it cost?

​Payment Terms:
Deposit: $1000 on enrolment
Balance: Full payment to be received within 3 months from commencement of course

 Please note students enrolling in this course may be eligible to receive financial assistance through Services Australia. Please refer to Services Australia for more information.

​What is included in the program?

The program is divided into two modules that build on each skill level that will scaffold your learning and provide you with a clear framework for your skills development.

BSBWHS412 Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws 
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assist with establishing and maintaining workplace compliance with work health and safety (WHS) laws. It includes identifying applicable WHS laws, duties, rights and obligations, and the necessary actions to ensure WHS compliance in the workplace.
It also includes assisting with providing advice about the legislative duties, rights and obligations of individuals and parties prescribed in WHS laws and those of WHS regulators.

BSBWHS413 Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes 
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to implementing and maintaining work health and safety (WHS) consultation and participation as prescribed in legislation.
It also covers contributing to communicating relevant information, identifying feedback opportunities, and improving consultation and participation.

BSBWHS414 Contribute to WHS risk management 
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to WHS risk management, which includes the processes for identifying work health and safety (WHS) hazards and assessing and controlling the risk relating to those identified hazards.
It involves contributing to the development, implementation and evaluation of risk controls according to legislative and organisational requirements.

BSBWHS416 Contribute to workplace incident response 
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assist with actions and activities performed in response to workplace incidents according to work health and safety (WHS) legislative and organisational requirements.
The unit applies to those who contribute to workplace incident/accident responses by undertaking a varied range of activities in a structured and familiar work environment as defined in written procedures. It applies to people who work in a broad range of WHS roles across all industries.

Module two:
This cluster will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to operate effectively in a workplace as a Safety Advisor.
You will learn how to manage compliance issues with contractors, assist with the WHS aspect of injured workers returning to work and the control of dangerous chemicals within the workplace. Also, you will learn how to increase public safety through awareness programs and implement WHS monitoring processes in the workplace, all valuable skills to be an effective workplace Safety Advisor.

This cluster is comprised of five units of competency:

BSBWHS415 – Contribute to implementing WHS management systems 
This unit describes

the skills and knowledge required to contribute to implementing a plan for a work health and safety management system (WHSMS) that applies to own role.

The unit applies to individuals with responsibilities for contributing to the implementation of an organisation’s WHSMS as part of their work health and safety (WHS) responsibilities in a range of industry and workplace contexts.


1. The terms ‘occupational health and safety’ (OHS) and ‘work health and safety’ (WHS) are equivalent, and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where model WHS laws have not been implemented, registered training organisations (RTOs) are advised to contextualise this unit of competency by referring to existing WHS legislative requirements.

2. The model WHS laws include the model WHS Act, model WHS Regulations and model WHS Codes of Practice. See Safe Work Australia for further information.

3. For the purposes of this unit of competency ‘safe systems of work’ refers to a formal procedure that results from systematic examination of a task in order to identify all the hazards. It defines safe methods to ensure that hazards are eliminated or, where this is not possible, risks are minimised.

BSBWHS418 – Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractors 
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assist with managing the work health and safety (WHS) implications of using contractors. It involves identifying contractor duties, establishing organisational WHS compliance requirements associated with those duties, establishing and communicating the requirements expected of contractors, monitoring contractor compliance with WHS requirements, and implementing required responses to identified non-compliance.
The unit applies to those who work in a broad range of WHS roles across all industries in organisations that use contractors to supply services, including labour hire and temporary workers, cleaning, catering, security, maintenance, repairs, installations and alterations, and major contracts and projects, as relevant to the organisation. This includes casual and volunteer workers. It does not cover visitors, or outworkers or suppliers of goods, materials or products to workplaces.

BSBSUS411  Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse and implement improvements to the environmental sustainability of work practices and monitor their effectiveness.

The unit applies to individuals with responsibility for the practices of a specific work area or who lead a work group or team.

BSBINS401 – Analyse and present research information
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to collect, organise, analyse and present information using available systems and sources. This includes identifying research requirements and sources of information, evaluating the quality and reliability of the information, and preparing and producing reports.

The unit applies to those who are required to analyse and apply their knowledge of the organisation to research tasks, evaluate information from a variety of sources and apply solutions to a range of predictable and unpredictable problems.

BSBWRT411 – Write complex documents 
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan, draft and finalise complex documents. The unit applies to individuals who work in a range of business environments and are skilled in the creation of documents that are more complex than basic correspondence, memos and/or forms and that require review and analysis of a range of information sources.

BSBCMM411 – Make presentations 

This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to prepare, deliver and review presentations for target audiences.

This unit applies to individuals who may be expected to make presentations for a range of purposes, such as marketing, training and promotions. They contribute well developed communication skills in presenting a range of concepts and ideas.

Training Resources

You will be provided with:

  • access to our Learning Management System (LMS) with online course materials and portal to complete your assessments. This is web-based so you will be able to login and work from any location and continue from where you left off.
  • templates to complete your assessments available online.
  • handouts and publications available by email.
  • You will need to have:
  • access to a computer and internet
  • basic computer skills to access information online and to complete assessment templates
  • good reading and comprehension skills

Qualification Pathways
On successful completion of this Qualification you will have the necessary qualification to enrol in BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety 

​When is the course scheduled?

Our next FACE to FACE classroom course starts: 15th July 2024

Where is training conducted?

Classroom – MHRC Pinjarra

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
RPL is available to anyone who currently works or has worked in a safety role or contributed to workplace safety and can provide sufficient evidence that meets the requirements of each unit of competency. If you wish to consider RPL for all or part of your qualification, please call Murray House Resource Centre to discuss this option with a qualified assessor.

Credit Transfers
If you already hold any of the above units, or equivalent units, you will be awarded a Credit Transfer for each unit, which means that you will not have to participate training or complete assessments for these units. For each unit awarded Credit Transfer you will receive a $221.00 discount per unit from the course fee. You will need to provide evidence of the authenticity of these units. Please refer to Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure for further information or call to discuss with one of our team.

All course enquiries:

Murray House Resource Centre:
E: [email protected]